Celebrating 10 Years

Tina Crystal, PsyD

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Tina CrystalFeel free to contact me today at: 860-254-6029

I am Tina Crystal, I firmly believe that painful thoughts, overwhelming emotions, uncomfortable physical sensations, and difficult memories do not need to be barriers to living a full, rich, meaningful life. As a psychologist, my role is to help you to learn how to change your relationship with the internal pain and discomfort you experience and to clarify what brings you greatest meaning in your life. Through a collaborative relationship, I will help you to see ways to use your values as a compass in your life, instead of your pain. I will provide you with practical tools to navigate life’s journey, while also looking into the roots of how these challenges came to be.

I have found that the most important element of treatment is a supportive, collaborative therapeutic relationship. It is my goal to help you feel heard, understood, hopeful about your future, and confident about your ability to be successful. As a therapist, I believe that people are so much more than their symptoms. I take the time to get to know you, what is important to you, how your mind and heart work, and how to help you get on the path that you want to be. In addition, it is my goal to help my you form a relationship with yourself that is caring, supportive, and compassionate. It is from this foundation of self-compassion that we can learn to thrive.

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.”— Helen Keller

I received my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Psy.D., from Adler University in Chicago, Il. I have worked in a variety of treatment settings, including intensive outpatient programs, residential treatment programs, and private practice. In these settings I have had the privilege of supporting individuals across the spectrum of their treatment journeys and have found an important connection: human beings are resilient and we all have the capacity to grow, change, and thrive. In addition, I believe that human suffering is universal and I find it important to practice what I teach. I use the same tools that I will teach you in my daily life and won’t ask you to do something I would not try myself.

I specialize in working with individuals who experience anxiety, OCD, trauma, and depression, as well as people who are going through major life transitions or who are seeking out mindfulness-based approaches. My therapeutic approach is informed by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). I also work with individuals with eating disorders, using a Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating approach. I have additional training in providing trauma-informed care, including Prolonged Exposure and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing).


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